Energy Charged Crystal 7 Chakra Set Oval Engraved Gemstones with Pouch Healing Reiki Meditation



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 Complete set of seven chakra crystal palm stones, hand engraved with chakra symbols.

Please note that these are hand made with natural crystals formed over millions of years and therefore may have some natural imperfections.
This also means that each crystal we sell is completely unique and so may differ from the pictures shown slightly. This does not affect the healing properties in any way.

As a Reiki Practitioners, We will send your crystals to you already charged with healing Reiki energy – with the intention that they will do their best for you.
Safe Ways to clear a stone exposing it to moonlight; running it under cool water; or holding it in your closed fist and “blowing into it” (blow into the small gap where your thumb and index finger are curled around each other) with the intention to purify it.

Natural Gemstone Unshaped Discs

Gemstones used in set:
Red Jasper (ROOT CHAKRA) – Is the supreme nurturer and encourages spiritual development at a gentle rate. Can also help alleviate stress.
Red Aventurine (SACRAL CHAKRA) – Brings prosperity and enhances creativity and ability to see possibilities also sometimes reverse diseases.
Golden Quartz (SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA) – Calm and stimulating,brings peace, raise vibrations, brings joy,  happiness.
Green Aventurine (HEART CHAKRA) – A warm, gentle healing stone that stimulates psychic perception.
Lapis Lazuli (THROAT CHAKRA) – Is a blue healing crystal that promotes psychic ability. A bonding stone in love and friendship.
Blue Aventurine (THIRD EYE CHAKRA) – A good all round healer. Is said to be a good choice for migraines and for soothing the eyes. It is thought to help poor circulation.
Amethyst (CROWN CHAKRA) – Is a violet crystal which helps develop your psychic abilities. It is known as one of the master healers.

Size of Ovals -These are each about 4cmx3cm.

7x Gemstone Unshaped Disc
1x Our Beautiful Pouch

How To Use 7 Chakra Set

  1. Select the chakra stones /gems /crystals that you will be using.

  2. Clear your stones when you first acquire them, and then before every healing. Safe Ways to clear a stone exposing it to moonlight; running it under cool water; or holding it in your closed fist and “blowing into it” (blow into the small gap where your thumb and index finger are curled around each other) with the intention to purify it.
  3. Put your chakra stones in a place where they’ll be accessible to you you once you lie down.
  4. Lie down on a comfortable surface. Attend to your comfort with a blanket and a pillow under your knees or head if needed. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and slowly into your belly (actually into the lower third of your lungs, but your belly will rise and fall if you’re doing it correctly!). Set your intention for this healing session. If you’re just going to work with one chakra, set the specific intention for that chakra. If you’re going to work with all the chakras, set a general intention for this healing.
  5. If you’re only going to work with one chakra, place the stone over that chakra.

  6. If you’re going to work with the whole chakra system, you can proceed in either of two ways. You can start at the crown chakra and work your way down, in order, to the first chakra (sky to earth–e.g. for helping the recipient ground and center, alleve headaches and anxiety, manifest something on a physical plane); or you can go the other way, starting at the root chakra and working your way up to the crown (earth to sky–e.g. for raising the recipient’s energy to a higher vibration, enhancing spiritual development, increasing physical energy). Don’t sweat the direction choice–just go with what feels right.
  7. If you place the stones top to bottom, have any points on the stones facing toward your feet. Conversely, if you’re placing the stones bottom to top, place any stones with points so that the points face your head.
  8. Some healers also like to place a stone/gem/crystal above their head and below their feet. You may also like to hold a stone in each hand.
  9. If a stone doesn’t feel comfortable or “feels wrong” or keeps rolling off once you place it, go with that feeling and remove it, either leaving that chakra without a stone, or using a different one.
  10. As you place each chakra stone, you may want to set a specific intention for the healing of that particular chakra, sense the energy of the stone, and visualize its bright color and harmonious energy “tuning” the chakra.
  11. After all the stones that you will be using have been set, simply rest for a while, allowing your chakras to be balanced and cleared by the chakra stones. Breathe slowly and evenly; empty your mind as much as possible, going into the “space between thoughts.”
  12. When the stones start to roll off your body, or when it feels right, end the healing. Remove the stones one by one in order. You can thank them if that feels right.
  13. Gently return your awareness to the here and now, and allow yourself to transition slowly back into your daily life. Drink a glass of water, and perhaps eat a piece of fruit.
  14. You may want to write in your journal about what you’ve experienced.
  15. At some point, re-clear your chakra stones.
  16. Watch for gentle, positive changes for the next week or so.

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