Genuine Chrysoprase Gemstone Pendulum for Divination




Genuine Chrysoprase Gemstone Pendulum for Divination Wicca

“Elevate your spiritual practice with our exquisite Genuine Chrysoprase Gemstone Pendulum – a powerful tool for divination and energy alignment. Crafted with precision and featuring a beautiful gemstone, our pendulum is designed to assist you in gaining insights and clarity.

Harness the energy of the gemstone as you ask questions and receive intuitive guidance. Explore the mystique of divination effortlessly with our Gemstone Pendulum, your perfect companion for spiritual exploration and self-discovery.”


Chrysoprase is a captivating green gemstone with a rich history and meaningful symbolism. Here are some common meanings associated with Chrysoprase:

Heart Chakra Activation: Chrysoprase is often linked to the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is believed to open and stimulate the heart, fostering emotional healing and balance.

Joy and Happiness: This gemstone is associated with joy, happiness, and positivity. It is believed to bring a sense of optimism and encourage a positive outlook on life.

Inner Harmony: Chrysoprase is thought to promote inner harmony and balance. It may help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, allowing individuals to find a sense of calm and peace.

Healing Energies: Known for its healing properties, Chrysoprase is believed to support physical healing and boost the immune system. It is often used in alternative medicine for its potential to aid in detoxification and purification processes.

Connection with Nature: The green color of Chrysoprase is reminiscent of nature, and it is often seen as a stone that facilitates a deeper connection with the natural world. It may inspire a sense of appreciation for the beauty of the Earth.

Spiritual Growth: Chrysoprase is associated with spiritual growth and development. It is believed to enhance intuition, insight, and a connection to higher realms, making it a valuable tool for meditation and spiritual practices.

Communication and Self-Expression: Some believe that Chrysoprase can aid in clear communication and self-expression. It may help individuals speak their truth with confidence and authenticity.

It’s important to note that the metaphysical properties and meanings of gemstones are often based on cultural beliefs, traditions, and personal interpretations. While many people find value in these symbolic associations, individual experiences with gemstones can vary.


Using a gemstone pendulum can be a personal and intuitive practice, often associated with divination, dowsing, and energy work. Here’s a basic guide on how to use a gemstone pendulum:

1. Choosing Your Pendulum:

Select a pendulum that resonates with you. The gemstone, shape, and overall energy should feel right for your intentions.

2. Clearing and Charging:

Before using your pendulum, it’s a good idea to clear any previous energies it may have absorbed. You can do this by placing it under running water, smudging it with sage, or placing it in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. Some people also use methods like visualization or sound (such as a singing bowl) to clear and charge the pendulum with positive energy.

3. Establishing Yes/No Responses:

Begin by holding the pendulum over your palm or a stable surface and ask it to show you a “yes” response. Observe the direction or movement of the pendulum. Repeat the process for a “no” response. This helps establish a baseline for interpreting answers.

4. Asking Questions:

Hold the pendulum with the chain or string between your thumb and forefinger, allowing it to dangle freely. You can ask yes/no questions and observe the movement of the pendulum. The response may be a swinging motion, circular motion, or other variations.

5. Setting Intentions:

Clearly state your intentions before using the pendulum. Whether you’re seeking guidance, clarity, or insights, having a clear intention can enhance the effectiveness of the session.

6. Focus and Relax:

Take a moment to center yourself and focus on your question or intention. It’s important to be in a relaxed and open state of mind for the pendulum to respond accurately.

7. Practice and Trust Your Intuition:

Practice regularly to build a connection with your pendulum. Trust your intuition and the subtle movements of the pendulum. If you’re unsure about an answer, rephrase the question or ask for clarification.

8. Closing the Session:

When you’re done using the pendulum, express gratitude and close the session. You can do this by saying a simple thank you or using a closing ritual that feels right for you.


Remember that using a gemstone pendulum is a personal and subjective practice. It’s important to approach it with an open mind and a respectful attitude.

Additionally, interpretations may vary, and it’s always beneficial to rely on your intuition and personal insights during the process.

Genuine Chrysoprase Gemstone Pendulum
Alloy Chain with one Tanzanian Chrysoprase bead and Lotus pendant for better holding.


size might wary depending on current stock

1x Genuine Chrysoprase Gemstone Pendulum
Weight 25 g

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